Explain how to use Visual Studio to create and run an application.
Describe the features and syntax of the C# programming language.
Define the monitoring needs of large-scale applications
Create and call methods, capture and manage exceptions.
Understand the .NET development platform and libraries.
Understand the .NET framework classes.
Create well-structured and easily-maintainable C# code.
Define and implement interfaces.
Create a class hierarchy using inheritance.
Understand object-oriented programming concepts.
Implement the fundamental architecture and core components of a desktop application.
Acquire a working knowledge of how to build a graphical UI using XAML.
Use file I/O and streams, and serialize/deserialize data in various formats.
Understand web communications and protocols.
Create an entity data model for database access.
Use Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).
Use asynchronous operations to create performant applications.
Add dynamic components and unmanaged libraries to a C# program.
Understand the use of generics and generic collections.
Retrieve metadata from types using .NET reflection.
Course Outline:
1 – C# Syntax
- Writing Applications in C# and .NET
- Types of Data and Expressions
- C# Language Constructs
2 – C# Language Concepts
- Methods
- Method Overloading
- Exception Handling
- Monitoring
3 – C# Structures, Collections and Events
- Structs
- Enums
- Built-in Collections
- Events
4 – C# Classes
- Creating Classes
- Interfaces
- Understanding Generics in C#
5 – C# Inheritance
- Hierarchies of Classes
- Polymorphism
- Extending Classes
6 – Input and Output
- File I/O
- Serialization and Deserialization
- Streams
7 – Database Access
- Entity Framework
8 – Using the Network
- Web Services
- REST and OData
9 – Graphical User Interfaces
- Using UI Frameworks
- Data binding
- Styling the UI 1
- Multitasking
- Asynchronous Calls
- Dealing with Conflicts 1
- Dynamic Objects
- Managing Resources 1
- Metadata
- Attributes
- Generating Code
- Assemblies
0 – Application Performance
1 – C# Interop
2 – Designing for Reuse
Enroll in this course
$2,975.00 – $2,995.00